Winter Wind

Looking out the window, I see a bright sunny day punctuated by tossing trees. The false hope of warmth is chilled by wind gusts over 50 mph. The thermometer declares it is 38 degrees. However, the “feels like” temperature is ~ 23 per the National Weather Service Wind Chill Calculator . The following chart allows you to grossly estimate the temperature without using advanced mathematics. When I step outside to hang the bird feeder, my skin experiences the brisk fifteen-degree wind chill factor. Why does that matter, besides the miserable sensation? It’s important because it makes us at greater risk for hypothermia and/or frostbite. What exactly is hypothermia? The Mayo Clinic website provides valuable information regarding symptoms, causes, and risk factors , as well as diagnosis and treatment of hypothermia. Click the prior links for details. The first sign of hypothermia is shivering, a natural defense against cold, as the body tries to warm itself. The other mo...