New Poetry Book Publication

I’m pleased to announce the publication of my third poetry volume, Voyage: Vista and Verse, a compilation of monoku, haiku, and senryu.

Some haiku are written in the classic 5–7–5 format; more follow the looser American tradition.

A monoku consists of a one-line haiku.

The senryu utilizes irony or satire rather than the usual nature subject of the haiku. They may be cynical or darkly humorous.

This paperback book is packed with over 75 poems and illustrated with 50 full-color photographs, that follow the Author on her voyage, near and far, via vista and verse.

The inspiration for this work arises from travels, stateside and abroad, internal and external.

For those that prefer the electronic reading experience, the Kindle version will be out in a few weeks.

My thanks to two haikuists, Roberta Beach Jacobson, Editor of Cold Moon Journal,

and Patricia McGuire, Editor of The Poetry Pea, for their mentorship and encouragement.

I hope you enjoy my latest poetic endeavor. After you’ve had a read, I’d be honored if you’d take a moment to write an Amazon review.

You can follow the Author at her Website or on Twitter.


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