
Thanksgiving will be upon us in just a few days.

It’s time for turkey and all of the fixings. We will attend a “Friendsgiving” celebration, so we only need to prepare Bobi’s Special Mashed Potatoes, my fabulous Sweet Potato Casserole, and Bobi’s Apple Pie.

The shopping is completed. According to USA Today, the inflation-adjusted cost of the feast has decreased: 2022-$67.84, 2023-$62.76, and this year-$58.08.

We’ve watched the parade of poultry trucks down the local state route to the Tyson plant. Per the USDA report, farmers raised 205 million turkeys in 2024, the fewest since 1985 due to avian influenza.

Nevertheless, North Carolina is the top turkey-producing state, followed by Minnesota, Indiana, Arkansas, and Iowa. Other major turkey producers are Virginia, Missouri, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, California, West Virginia, and South Dakota. Worldwide, the US is the leading source of turkeys; other large contributors are Brazil, the European Union, and Canada.

Will you be roasting a turkey this year? Or will you be enjoying the efforts of another chef? Here is the link to roast a classic Butterball bird.

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