Spring 2024

The 2024 Northern Hemisphere Vernal Equinox occurred on March 19 at 23:06 Eastern time, not quite two weeks ago. And here we are already on March 31, Easter.

The early promise of the season has flittered upon us in the shape of Swallowtail butterflies and sightings of robins.

But don’t break out your shorts and sandals yet, as we likely have not seen the end of cooler weather according to the Farmers’ Almanac Spring weather forecast.

An exciting event will occur in just over one week, on April 8: a total solar eclipse. There are a wide range of chances to see the phenomenon. This link indicates Path of Totality and local weather forecasts. Upcoming total eclipses won’t happen until March 2033 and August 2044 — both of which will have limited viewing opportunities in North America.

Gardeners eagerly plan their spring gardens, starting with hardy plants that will tolerate light frosts, warm sunny days, and cool nights. Ideal plants are root and green leafy vegetables. Late March/Early April planting produces early summer results, while regular garden plants and seeds are just being tucked in the ground.

What are your Spring plans? Will you be traveling to see the eclipse, spading up the garden, or heading to a Northern location to catch one more downhill skiing opportunity?

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