
We all experience loss in some form in our lives: being let go from a job, a move away from friends and family, a breakup of a relationship, or the death of a dear pet or a loved one.

Each of us responds differently, both physically and emotionally.

The depth and longevity of grief symptoms vary by the individual. Elizabeth Kubler-Ross described this process as the five stages of grief. No one’s journey is the same. Some move smoothly through the valley of depression/detachment and rise quickly to acceptance. Others get stuck in shock and denial, anger, depression, or bargaining.

There are many ways to cope with the overwhelming burden of grief. Acknowledge your loss and reach out for assistance. If you are blessed with a strong support system, they may help hold you aloft during difficult times. If not, seek out bereavement counseling to aid you on your path to recovery.

The paradox of grief is the gifts we may gain from loss. Mike Slavin’s article describes eight particular gifts.

Have you dealt with a loss in your life? Are you currently in the midst of grief from a loss, great or small? The HelpGuide offers valuable resources.

You can follow the Author on her Website or X (formerly Twitter).


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