Cold and Dark Looms Near

Our Blue Ridge Mountain area has been blessed with a week of beautiful weather, with daytime highs in the high 70s to low 80s and nighttime lows in the 50–60 range. It was a perfect time to put the garden to bed for the 2023 season. But, it was too good to be true because here comes the cold weather. The date of the first fall freeze varies depending on where you live in the US. Friends in Montana have already experienced snow and near-zero temperatures. Having previously lived in Montana, I can vouch for the frigid climate our Northern neighbors must endure. Our neck of the woods will join the freezing temperature zone this week on Wednesday, November 1st night. We may enjoy one more burst of unseasonable warm, dry weather if traditional Indian Summer arrives mid-November. The criteria for a true “Second Summer” include: (1)the period happens after at least one good killing frost but before the first snowfall, and (2) the temperatures must remain above 70 F for at least sev...