Signs of Spring

I emerge from my convalescence, much as the Earth unfolds from its winter cloak, stretching towards the Sun. I submit some random observances of Spring.

Last week a whippoorwill announced his return in evening gloam. The whir of a hummingbird reminds me to retrieve and fill the nectar feeders. BirdCast Migration tools will give you an overview of birds on the move over the US continent. You can also hone in on your local area to see what activity to expect.

My neglected gardens called out to me today: lavender buried knee-deep in leaves held a hidden surprise. As I approached, the plant shuddered, and autumn leaves crackled. A poke in the pile unearthed an unhappy snake, slithering off, to curl under the dwarf cherry tree, its dark eyes squinting, tongue flickering warning.

Nearby, a nuthatch hangs upside down, a cardinal tells me I’m “pretty”, and yellow finches flutter among chickadees, all vying for tasty morsels of suet, seeds, and fruit. A dove splashes in the bird bath.

Clusters of volunteer Columbine line the fence, progeny of a single plant. Yellow Swallowtail butterflies flourish and flit.

What signs of Spring are evident in your yard? Have you taken the opportunity to enjoy these treasures?

You can follow the Author on her Website or Twitter.


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