"I'm Back!"

I appreciate your patience during my brief hiatus.

Last week, I underwent a left Total Hip Replacement, and I’m getting back on my feet again.

It’s a blessing to be relieved of the awful left hip pain I suffered before surgery due to severe arthritis, with no remaining cartilage and bone grinding on bone. Postoperative pain is minimal compared to that excruciating ordeal.

Now I’m getting around the house with a walker as a mobility aid.

In addition, I am working like mad on self-directed physical therapy exercises to strengthen my new and improved hip joint.

And even more importantly, I’ve aggressively weaned myself from opioid pain relievers. My last dose was at bedtime on postoperative day five.

Recovery is all uphill from here. After two weeks, I should transition to a cane, and two weeks later, my own two feet. Spring gardening is a great motivator.

I’m becoming a real live bionic woman with all of this year’s artificial enhancements: first both eyes, now my hip!

What challenges do you face? What do you do to encounter them head-on?

You can follow the Author on her Website or on Twitter.


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