
Who is the richest individual in the world today? Is it the multi-billionaire Elon Musk?

Does the dictionary definition tell us what real riches are? It avoids mentioning family and friends.

What of a loving pet?

Or do you find deep meaning in art?

Perhaps music?

Everything in excess is opposed to nature. ~ Hippocrates 

My wife and I learned the meaning of the word when we worked as a non-profit entity in Haiti for six visits over the two years following the 2010 Earthquake. We now understand the difference between want and need.

Above all, maybe richness is the knowledge to discern the definition of the word as it applies to oneself.

Are you rich? What is your personal understanding of the word?

You can follow the Author at her Website or on Twitter (where she is now a Blue Check Verified Tweeter.) LOL


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