National Domestic Violence Awareness Month


Domestic violence is a pervasive problem in the US and across the world.

In 1978, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV) was established to give voice to both the victims and the survivors. Later, in 1987, the month of October became a time of national recognition.

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), major legislation taking aim to help protect and serve victims, became law in 1994. It has been updated and reauthorized frequently, most recently on March 15, 2022.

Intimate partner violence is not just physical abuse, it can encompass every facet of a victim’s life. It is total power and control.

Many organizations have developed information on how you can recognize and help prevent domestic violence. This fact sheet from the CDC provides a wealth of knowledge.

If you are personally a victim of intimate partner violence, reach out-get help!

The author is a survivor of child abuse, sexual abuse, and intimate partner violence. Her second book of poetry, Family Treasons, addresses those issues.

You can follow the Author at her recently updated Website or on Twitter.


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