World Productivity Day

There are many concepts of productivity. To an economist, it equals output per unit of input, i.e., GDP (gross domestic product), to number of hours worked. To someone else, it may not be a matter of getting a lot more done each day, but rather completing the things they consider essential done more consistently. For example, maintaining a steady, average speed on a small number of things instead of maximum speed on everything.

There is a misconception that more can be accomplished by multitasking: WRONG. It is a very inefficient process.

Individuals have different productivity styles.

What can you do to enhance your productivity? The Productivity Guide in this link includes many valuable resources that approach productivity from various angles. Take a look and see if you can find one that fits your personality and needs.

We all, myself included, spend too much time down the rabbit hole of the internet. Unplug and move forward with your projects.

What will you do today to become more productive?

Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before. ~ Frank Kafka

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