
Showing posts from June, 2022

National Onion Day: June 27, 2022

Today is the day to celebrate the savory onion. This vegetable is an ancient cultivar originating in Central Asia and grown by humans for over 5000 years. They were first harvested in 3500 BC; the wild variety grew worldwide. In 1500 BC, the Egyptians believed that onions represented eternity because of their spherical shape and inner concentric circles. Their culture worshipped the onion and used them in the ritual burials of the pharaohs, decorating the monarch’s tombs. In the United States, the National Onion Association was founded in Ohio in 1913. New York City, now the Big Apple, used to be called the Big Onion because you could peel off layer after layer, never touching the center. Onions are used in culinary creations from country cooking to gourmet innovations: different onion types add varying flavors. And not only do they taste great, but they’re also good for you: they’re low calorie yet high in antioxidants, dietary fiber, and Vitamins C and B6.  Their medicinal proper...

World Productivity Day

There are many concepts of productivity. To an economist, it equals output per unit of input, i.e., GDP (gross domestic product), to number of hours worked. To someone else, it may not be a matter of getting a lot more done each day, but rather completing the things they consider essential done more consistently. For example, maintaining a steady, average speed on a small number of things instead of maximum speed on everything. There is a misconception that more can be accomplished by multitasking: WRONG. It is a very inefficient process. Individuals have different productivity styles. What can you do to enhance your productivity? The  Productivity Guide  in this link includes many valuable resources that approach productivity from various angles. Take a look and see if you can find one that fits your personality and needs. We all, myself included, spend too much time down the rabbit hole of the internet. Unplug and move forward with your projects. What will you do today to be...


Webster  defines  HOPE  as a desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment. I begin and end each day with hope.   Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul — and sings the tunes without the words — and never stops at all. Emily Dickinson   Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers. Robert Green Ingersoll   Hope is patience with the lamp lit. Tertullian What do you hope for and dream about? What are your goals to achieve your hopes? You can follow the Author at her  Website  and on  Twitter .