National Napping Day

Do you feel drowsy today? You’re sleep-deprived and tired because you “lost” an hour of sleep early Sunday, as we “sprung ahead” into Daylight Saving Time. William Anthony, Ph.D., a Boston University professor, and his wife Camille, created this pseudo “napping holiday” in 1999 to emphasize the importance of adequate sleep.

Some cultures regularly take a restorative nap midday, for example, the Spanish and their siesta. Long ago, the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Arabia also partook in a napping habit.

How long is the optimal nap?

In our hectic modern lives, we rarely enjoy the luxury of a nap. Treat yourself today! Although I am giving advice not personally taken, as I spent the day tidying the gardens for spring planting. 

PS. I must have been napping last Monday because I didn’t realize until Tuesday AM that I neglected to write my weekly blog. But here I am again, back in the writing saddle. LOL.

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