Garden Fever

This year, the first day of Spring is on Sunday, March 20th, just three weeks away. I’ve been getting garden fever: perusing seed catalogs and requisitioning supplies.

FedEx and UPS have already made several trips up our long switchback mountain road with boxes of seed starting pots, seedling trays, and propagation domes [from Johnny’s Selected Seeds].

Last night I ordered a 2'x12' raised bed with an irrigation grid [from Garden in Minutes]. I’m adding another garden space, this one in an area with solely morning sun, for lettuce and spinach. Our southern sun has burnt out my greens in prior years.

Tomorrow, I’ll make a pilgrimage to Tractor Supply for seed starting potting mix, and the components of my raised bed fill, compost, peat moss and vermiculite (recipe = 1/3 each): the first of several loads for my Jeep.

Soon the dirt therapy will begin. Are you making your garden preparations?

You can follow the Author at her Website or on Twitter.  


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