
Today I sat down at my laptop and wondered what to share with you, my readers. A glance out of the open door showed trees tossing. Wind chimes sounded in the background, the breeze nuzzled my skin, and the scent of early alyssum teased my nose. Once again, nature nudged me. Taking a moment to pause and experience our surroundings can enrich our hearts and minds. But did I just give you a rote description of my view? Authors and artists see and feel the situation before them and translate those sensations into their creative medium. A poem, a painting, a sculpture, or a song attempt to elucidate an extension of those feelings in the individual that looks at or listens to the art form. Writing and other arts are labors in observation, rendering, and transformation. A light bulb moment can be quickly reproduced or take hours, days, or even years to realize a satisfactory final product. Perseverance is requisite. Are you a creative individual? What sparks your work? You can follow the Auth...